Huge potential for pipe bursting worldwide
The potential for pipe renewal in the public and private sectors can be scaled up across Germany and internationally, as similar situations are emerging worldwide – especially in the industrialised nations. For cost and environmental reasons alone, it will not be possible to develop this potential in the medium or long term using traditional civil engineering. It is vital to show communities, utility companies, planners and homeowners economically and ecologically sound alternatives. This is why trenchless technology will play an important future role, in order to be able to renew the large quantities of damaged water and sewage pipes in urban and rural districts in an economical and resource-saving way and with significantly shorter construction times and minimal traffic disturbance. The most popular method for doing so is pipe bursting.
Pipe bursting is a simple and ingenious method for the underground renewal of overaged pipes having typical damages, such as cracks and incrustations, which lead to water leakages, but also to increase the capacity of the exisiting pipeline. The old pipeline is broken apart and radially displaced into the surrounding soil, while the new pipe is pulled into the existing bore path in the same work step.
Adjustments to the pipeline capacity are also possible with pipe bursting, by pulling in new pipes with the same, smaller or larger diameter. The result is a new pipe in the existing route with a service life of 80 to 100 years in perfect static conditions and considerable time and cost savings, compared to the open trench method. Depending on the task, two different methods can be applied: dynamic pipe bursting with GRUNDOCRACK offers advantages when renewing pipes made of brittle materials. Static pipe bursting with GRUNDOBURST is predestined for the renewal of service pipes made of brittle or ductile materials, but the repair of partial damage by means of lining is also possible.
For more than four decades the pipe bursting method has proven itself worldwide as a reliable and safe alternative for the renewal of old pipes made of almost any material. Initial study results show that this technique is already being increasingly applied for pipe renewal and the market is growing worldwide. Find out more about pipe bursting and other trenchless construction solutions on our website or contact our expert Thorsten Schulte,
As a leading manufacturer of trenchless construction machines for new pipe installation and pipe renewal, we offer future-oriented technology solutions for your success.
Did you know,
that the costs for wastewater and water allocation fees go down, when pipes are renewed? Pipe renewals are long-term investments in the maintenance of the pipe network, as they have a direct impact on the service life of the pipes. Therefore, the investments can be directly allocated to the length of the service life of the renewed pipes. This direct saving of costs is not only felt by the communities and municipalities in their public purse, but also by the population in their annual water bills.